Friday, April 22, 2011

J.K. Rowling's Commencement Address at Harvard 2008

The commencement speech that J.K. Rowling gave was very different from all the commencement speech that I heard before. She gives you a sense on what to expect in life and how to make it out there in this world. She leaves you thinking about what do you really what people to remember you as. She had a lot of wise and honest words that she used to bring about her point across. I really enjoyed this speech and I think she is an awesome author.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hip Hop Violin

The video on the hip hop violin was very inteseting. I like how he used beats in the background when he is playing the violin. I think this young man is very talented.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Free Hugs

After watching the video on free hugs it was sad that everyone was ignoring him. It took one person to come up to him and give him a hug in which everyone else started to give him a hug. Whenever you feel depressed or sad you just need that hug and all your problems will go away. This man had real compassion to just hug complete strangers that he doesn't even know. I really like this video because it makes me want to go out and give everyone a free hug.